Durée conseillée

2 Heures

Taux de réussite

99 %

Disponible en classe virtuelle

Mechanical Certification Training - M0

Everyone, from the contractor to the operator, considering the appreciation and responsibility of mechanical safety degree at its own extent.

Operators who must have the necessary and sufficient technical knowledge to know how to prevent mechanical risk in each environment and workplace.

To avoid accidents of mechanical origins that may be caused by :

  • A lack of knowledge of mechanical threats,
  • A failure of the equipment,
  • Dangerous working conditions,
  • Unused, defective, or non-adopted PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for mechanical exposure threats,
  • Human behavior,
  • Non-compliance with rules, instructions, or procedures.

During your training for the M0 Mechanical Certification, the following points will be covered. It is advisable for you to respect the sequence to complete the training and pass the evaluation successfully.

  • Statistics on loss ratio in France.
  • Rules.
  • Agents responsible of safety practices.
  • The process involved in the event of an accident at work and/or a work-related illness.
  • The general guidelines of safety practices.
  • Hazards related to mechanics.
  • Mechanical hazards.
  • Electrical hazards.
  • Thermal hazards.
  • License to practice and authorization.
  • Agents' prioritization.
  • Preventive and protective measures (safety practices).
  • Consignment.
  • Safety signs.
  • What to do in the event of an accident ?
  • What to do in the event of an incipient fire ?

  • Public
Personnel intervenant sur des sites EDF et travaillant à proximité de dispositifs thermodynamiques ou mécaniques.
  • Prérequis
Comprendre et lire la langue anglaise.
  • Déroulement - évaluations :
Evaluation continue et théorique avec délivrance d'une attestation de formation à la fin de la session.
Exposés théoriques, mises en situations, QCM de validation
  • Support informatique :
Connexion 24h/24 - 7j/7 - Accès valable 1 mois sur Android, tablette, PC, MAC.
Accès individuel valable 1 mois sur Android, tablette, PC, MAC.
Plate-forme LMS à utiliser avec Google Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox.
Assistance par mail, téléphone ou visio.
Formation e-learning Anglais - M0 - Groupe ACN
  • Centre de formation
  • Dans vos locaux
Référence : MEC008
Durée : 2 Heures
Prix de la formation

229 €

HT / personne
Référence : MEC008
Durée conseillée :
Tarif de la formation

Sur demande

HT/ jour / groupe
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